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Located in the beautiful White Mountain area in NH, the Basin has attracted many curious people into the area. It’s a majestic place which evokes tranquility and inquisitiveness and it’s so impressive that even the naturalist Henry David Thoreau said “perhaps the most remarkable curiosity of its kind in New England”  and Samuel Eastman described it as “one of the beautiful haunts of Nature, a luxurious and delicious bath fit for the ablutions of a goddess”

But what exactly is this Basin? Why makes it so impressive? Almost like a natural wonder…

Well, it’s actually a pothole but not the average one; the Basin is a 30-foot-wide and 15-foot-deep pothole which originated 25,0000 years ago during the Ice Age when a pebble whirls around a bed rock aided by stream water (as the ice melted)

Today, as visitor approach the site, they can hear a water stream that falls into the Basin and it quickly conveys a sense of realism magic. To me, it is a unique and genuine geological wonder, a true gem in the White Mountain area.
